Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fun with Slinky

Yep, just like the Header implies, I took these pictures through Krystal's Slinky.  I narrowed it down to this one from about 15 shots.  I tried a bunch of different ones focused on different points and decided this was the one I liked best.  The two runners up are below.


Erika Jean said...

i think you picked the best one. The fa that it is not dab smack centered makes it more visually entertaining! It looks never ending! Great job on this 365!

Erika Jean said...

*Fact (I type too fast!)

E Castell said...

Thanks for the compliment.

We all need faster fingers that can keep up with our brains.

TwoElkers said...

What do you mean "we all"?!?!?!

You forget that I KNOW you.


PS - It's not hereditary (at least not from your father.) LOL

Theresa E. said...

I LOVE these slinky photos!

TwoElkers said...

One other thing that I thought of & you might find this interesting ... if you stretch an average slinky out flat, it will measure 87 feet long!!!!