Okay, here I am trying my hand at a blog. I really don’t know why I decided to start one other than I was setting things up so I could follow my daughters blog on my iPod and I ran into the screen where one creates their own. I’m not really sure how often I will use this, but it does seem to be a good place for the occasional rant when the wife or other family members are tired of listening. LOL
First, let me tell you a little about myself. I am married with one daughter entering her teens. My life revolves around work and whatever activity she is participating in on any particular weekend. She is a member of 4-H Horse, so we end up doing a lot of horse related activities. I really enjoy watching her practice and compete, and the people in the horse world are some of the best you will ever meet. She enjoys ranch sorting every other Sunday, but the horse we are leasing (Missy) isn’t really a cow horse so they just do the best they can. Don’t get me wrong, she still does pretty darn well at the beginner level. It is too bad that our horse Annie isn’t a bit younger as I think she would be great at sorting. She was used as a cutter in her younger days, so she isn’t a stranger to cows. But, with age (27) also comes arthritis and other joint problems, so we think it is best that she stay semi retired and is only used to start young kids in horseback riding. A good friend is currently taking care of her at his stables and she pays for her feed by giving riding lessons on the weekends.
Now when I say we are leasing Missy, that is a little deceiving. Remember I said that horse people are some of the best. When, at the beginning of this 4-H season, we determined Annie couldn’t keep up with the level of competition Krystal needed to be at, another one of the families volunteered to let us lease Missy at no cost. They retain ownership, but we do pay for her care and feeding at an agreed upon stable.
When we aren’t doing the horse thing, I like to Geocache. If you have never heard of it, go to http://www.geocaching.com/ and look around. It is essentially a game where someone hides a container with a minimum of a log sheet inside. They then post the Latitude and Longitude coordinates on the web site so others can go find it using a GPSr. Once found, the log sheet is signed and then you claim a find on the web site. Some containers are as small as a pencil eraser, and some are quite large and contain items to be traded. Most of the time the items are toys or other kid related “swag”. It sounds kind of weird, but I assure you it is quite fun. I compare it to hunting since you don’t always find the cache, but when you do, there is a feeling of accomplishment.
Many of the geocaches out there are placed to draw attention to interesting places that I never would have known existed without them.
Well, that is enough for now. I’m sure you will get to know more about me in the coming blogs.

First, let me tell you a little about myself. I am married with one daughter entering her teens. My life revolves around work and whatever activity she is participating in on any particular weekend. She is a member of 4-H Horse, so we end up doing a lot of horse related activities. I really enjoy watching her practice and compete, and the people in the horse world are some of the best you will ever meet. She enjoys ranch sorting every other Sunday, but the horse we are leasing (Missy) isn’t really a cow horse so they just do the best they can. Don’t get me wrong, she still does pretty darn well at the beginner level. It is too bad that our horse Annie isn’t a bit younger as I think she would be great at sorting. She was used as a cutter in her younger days, so she isn’t a stranger to cows. But, with age (27) also comes arthritis and other joint problems, so we think it is best that she stay semi retired and is only used to start young kids in horseback riding. A good friend is currently taking care of her at his stables and she pays for her feed by giving riding lessons on the weekends.
Now when I say we are leasing Missy, that is a little deceiving. Remember I said that horse people are some of the best. When, at the beginning of this 4-H season, we determined Annie couldn’t keep up with the level of competition Krystal needed to be at, another one of the families volunteered to let us lease Missy at no cost. They retain ownership, but we do pay for her care and feeding at an agreed upon stable.
When we aren’t doing the horse thing, I like to Geocache. If you have never heard of it, go to http://www.geocaching.com/ and look around. It is essentially a game where someone hides a container with a minimum of a log sheet inside. They then post the Latitude and Longitude coordinates on the web site so others can go find it using a GPSr. Once found, the log sheet is signed and then you claim a find on the web site. Some containers are as small as a pencil eraser, and some are quite large and contain items to be traded. Most of the time the items are toys or other kid related “swag”. It sounds kind of weird, but I assure you it is quite fun. I compare it to hunting since you don’t always find the cache, but when you do, there is a feeling of accomplishment.
Many of the geocaches out there are placed to draw attention to interesting places that I never would have known existed without them.
Well, that is enough for now. I’m sure you will get to know more about me in the coming blogs.

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