Friday, January 8, 2010

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to work I go...

Didn't do much today except work. I have a feeling that by the time I finish the 365, I will have a picture of everything from the office. I spend more time in this room than any other. My bedroom doesn't even get to see me as much. That thought now has me bummed out. I think I'll take tomorrow off.


Phototakingirl said...

Awsome you got an office since when??

TwoElkers said...

It's too clean. Doesn't look like any work taking place!! LOL!!

TwoElkers said...

Like the pics, especially the 'spider silk' ... like Forrest Gump's momma said, "You never know what you're gonna get." Of course she was talking about chocolates & life, but the same goes for pics too. Good shots ... Dad

Erika Jean said...

Good luck with your 365! I'm also doing one. We have a little geocacher/blogger group going on on Flickr. Flick is free for the 2st 200 pics, but after that it cost $. If you interested in joining our group let me know and I'll have them invite you!

P.S. You may not wan to follow through to my blog as I post about caching here in town, sometimes with pics of the caches ;-)

E Castell said...

It's so clean because it was so slow over the holidays. I had lots of time to catch up and clean up. One of these days, when it is busier, I will get a shot of what it really looks like.