Friday, January 8, 2010

Project 365

Texas Canyon - Interesting geology

I didn't even notice the spider silk until I downloaded this pic.

Just outside of Willcox, AZ

I've decided to try my hand at the Project 365 where you post a picture for every day in the year. Of course, starting on the 1st would have been ideal, but I just now decided to take part in the project. As long as no one complains, I will probably post more than one. As I found out today it can be hard to choose just one.
I start the project with a few photos from my drive to Willcox today (or since it is after midnight, yesterday 01/07/2010)


Erika Jean said...

I Love Texas Canyon! Last time we went through there the rest stop was closed.

Have you stopped to see THE THING yet?

E Castell said...

I've passed the thing hundreds of times, shopped in the store, had dairy queen, but just never could bring myself to pay to see it. How about you?

Erika Jean said...

I made my mom stop on our last trip to Apple Annies. Pretty much bunch of odd junk, but it was nice to stretch my legs!